Saturday, December 7, 2013


I finished my work! I packed in the morning and then moved out if my room. After that I headed to the chiropractor. He fixed my up very well :) Turns out my public bone was out of wack which was pulling my back out of alignment. So my back was fine the whole time! Weird lol then I headed back to the library to finish my essays and everything was good until all the computers stopped connecting to the internet!! Ugh! Hurried back to the dorms and the computer there worked! Thank goodness! It wasn't working in the morning and that's why I moved out early instead of working on my essay. But I was able to finish my Econ essay and I liked it :) then I had my last pad Thai dinner at the dorms and wrote my cultures essay. Much more thrown together but I finished! Then I got all my stuff and got in the car with pii Jiew. We headed to his house first where we dropped off my bike he bought back from me then drove to the airport! Waiting for Evelyn now! Her flight just landed! It still hasn't hit me she's here. I guess it will when I see her! :D the moon is beautiful tonight by the way :)

1 comment:

  1. I like it that you notice the moon. I often notice the moon, and wonder if others I know far away are looking at it too. Beautiful that you notice and enjoy the moon like I do. Not very eloquent my words. But the moon makes my heart smile....
