Friday, December 6, 2013


Studied for the Thai test this morning. Then headed over for class. But no one was there except for me and the professor because everyone else was out to lunch at another professors house. I didn't go because I was studying. So Jenjit and I talked for a bit and then she asked if I wanted to take the first part if the test. I said sure! I did well :) Amy came back from lunch while I was taking it but I was able to finish while Amy talked with Jenjit outside. The reading part was hard! Hope I did alright. Then I did the oral part if the exam in Jenjit's office. I did a fine job when it was my turn to talk but I should have studied question words more. I was at a lose for words sometimes when asked questions because I wasn't sure what I was being asked. But I managed to scrape by! Reading Thai out loud was much easier than I expected. Tones we're used that much so it was easier. Then I got my overdue weekend meal stipend and found out that the farewell dinner will have vegan food so I can go. And Evelyn was invited so we can both enjoy nothern Thai food and performances with everyone :) then worked on my essay and had dinner. Then some rugby and soccer watching followed by more essay work. I'm all packed up so I don't need to worry about that but the essays are my two priorities right now. I have a chiropractor appointment tomorrow but besides that I'll just be writing. I want to get the essays done so I can focus on being with Evelyn! I can't wait! It's going to be so great :D got to work now. Last night in the dorms!!

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