Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sat. Ur. Day.

Today was great! Had an awesome breakfast of pad Thai and then long Skype with Evelyn :) then I biked to prom and headed to the city from there. Got a present for people which I very excited about. Then I went climbing for an hour before hurrying back to catch the ride back to prom. Then I watched Thor. Good movie. I enjoyed it. Sometimes I forget it's all about the Norse gods but when I relate it back in my head I enjoy it more. Then a enjoyed the moon. So beautiful! As I was about to go Glenna got off the songtow and I ended up going to dinner with her and Erin at Dukes. So funny how if I hadn't taken time to admire the moon I would have missed Glenna. Life it so cool!! :D Dukes is an American restrant. I haven't eaten American food for months! It was interesting lol I love my pad Thai :) I got a great veggie flatbread and onion rings. I thought it was so expensive but it was like half the price of US prices. I'm going to have such culture shock when I go back to the states lol I felt so full afterwards. But it was a heavy full. I'm use to a light full that's gone in an hour or so. But American room sticks with you. I don't like it! I don't wanna leave Thailand!! Lol we had some quality conversations. How did I not hang out with these people before?! Then I biked home and sleeeeep! Tomorrow I plan to watch soccer, do hw, climb and go to the market. Should be a relaxing and fun day :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Graham - it's your neighbor from Maryland but I'm in Nepal - hope the typhoon passes you by!
