Monday, August 19, 2013

First day of classes

Today was fun. Ate breakfast and then headed to Thai dance. Our professor doesn't speak English so she has a student translator. We learned a Thai song and dance to go with it. All in an hour and a half! Then son rice and veggies and some bubble tea all for fifty baht and then off to Thai. I love Thai. So much simpler than English. We learned how to ask each others names and how to respond. Can't wait for more and to use it in real life! Ate dinner for a long time and read for most of dinner. Then went to a SEA (South East Asian) language lecture which was really interesting. Then fb to look at bus schedule. Learned that I might not be able to climb as much as I thought :/ we'll see. Managed to also read my hw for Wednesday and a short story Eli wrote about me a while back. Both quality reads. Tomorrow I have practicum at one so we might go into town in the morning :)

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