Friday, August 16, 2013


Long day. Uniform! fun stuff :) Orientation went well. Learned a lot. Very nice people. Good resources. Maybe found a place to buy a good bike and then sell it back when I leave. Am taking all the classes I signed up for except intercultural communications but its ok it was dropped. Ill have to see what the practicum is like because it takes a lot of time up and I probly won't be able to climb as much the second half of the semester. We'll see. Got more bubble tea today. Amazing stuff. 20 baht. I'm in this pageant thing tomorrow where I have to walk on stage, pose, introduce myself and answer questions to try and win. Lol going to be in front of like 1000 ppl and ill be wearing traditional Thai dress and representing my program. Should be fun :) rehearsal took three hours and was very unneeded. But whatever. Tomorrow I might go hiking or check out this new high rope gym with Amy. We'll see :) also saw this cool snail. Really big. 


  1. Hey Graham -- I want pics of you in traditional Thai clothes! Can you make sure someone takes photos? Wow, THREE hours to rehearse - that sounds excessive. Good luck with the contest - you'll do great! Fun that you like bubble tea. xo

  2. Yeah, you've got to give your camera to someone else to take pictures. Love reading your blog. Let us know how the pageant goes. sending love from Betsy and T
