Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Today we went to big c (Walmart) after breakfast. I got a fan, some paper, a soccer ball and some other stuff. Then a quick lunch followed by our practicum class. Awesome class. We travel around villages near Chiang Mai and do service projects and then write about them and get credit. So cool :) kinda reminds me of the peace corps. Same professor as language. Like her. Then I played soccer in the parking garage and my ball lasted about 15 minutes before popping. So sad! It was only five bucks but still. Ill try and get a refund and buy a better ball. Love the fan. It all cost 716 and I brought 720 :) worked out great. After ball popped I worked out in the gym which was fun and then some food. Pad Thai and rice and veggies and fruit. Yum. Then reading. Almost done with my book! So excited! Then checked the bus schedule. Can't wait to get into town for free!! Hopefully going climbing on Thursday! Sweet! Went to seven eleven and got a red bean bun. Good stuff. This is funny :)


  1. Too bad about the soccer ball. T was just telling me on Saturday that she wanted to send you a soccer ball because she knows you love playing! Nice that you could obtain one -- altho of questionable quality! :) Wow, the practicum class sounds just up your alley -- learning about the culture and helping people at the same time!

  2. If I was still living in Bentonville I'd put the bug in someone's ear at Wal Mart Corporate that they have a problem in their 'ball department' in Thailand! You will find out if satisfaction guaranteed works in Thailand.

    I really enjoy following your blog. Things are a little more colorful there than the burbs in Omaha Nebraska.

    I'm really going to enjoy seeing you chilling in tropical bliss with your dreads when I have to step up to shoveling snow this winter. Maybe you can tell us how to say, "This Sucks!" in Thai by then.....
