Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 2

Slept pretty well. Woke up at 7 to give an offering to the monks at the temple. Then breakfast of rice, mushrooms, herbs, and tofu soup. Then we walked with everyone else along the road and planted about thirty baby trees. Then we walked back and got Thai massages. That was very relaxing. Some got a sauna as well but that didn't appeal to me. Then lunch of pasta and veggies. Very American and very good. Then sleeeeep. I woke up and stuffed a small bag with dried tea leaves. It can be put places to smell better. Also chewed fermented tea leaves (non alcoholic) with sea salt. A acquired taste but I enjoyed it. Then I relaxed and listened to the Grapes of Wrath. It got a little colder  after that which was such a nice change. Time for the farewell ceremony! We all gathered and had a prayer over a farewell flower arrangement. We were all connected by a piece of sting. After the prayer in northern Thai we got a piece of the sting tied around our wrist for good luck. Then the feast and live music! We had rice and watermelon and tofu soup with cucumber and cabbage and peppers. So good! Then Thai dance. There were three performances and then we all partook in a simple movement. Too bad we didn't show them our Thai moves! Then I hung out with most of the gang and played some games. Then a beautiful walk back to my place and sleep! Heading home tomorrow. Sad to see the village go but I had a great time and it'll be nice to be back home I'm sure :)

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