Sunday, September 8, 2013

Walking market

Today was relaxed. Woke up and read Half the Sky and a paper on socialist feminism. Ate a bunch of pad Thai and then headed to promenada to watch the Bling Ring. It was enjoyable. Definitely not my genre of movie but it was still a good time. Then headed to the walking market. I got a lot of good presents for my friends and family but I can't talk about those here so I'll tell you about the food I got instead. I got a fried pancake with glaze for ten B, mini bananas for 15 B, rice on a stick for 10 B, and a black bean bun for 15 B. the bun was the best. It was fresh white bread filled with a sweet black bean paste. So good. They sell a packaged version at 7eleven for ten B but it's not nearly as good or as filling. It was so nice to have the real thing! I walked the full mile if the market thing time. There's quite a lot of venders and costumers. And that's not even including the many branches off the main street. Huge market. Lots of fun. Got the ride back and listened to Grapes of Wrath and started a paper about cross cultural feminism. Then for home and talked with my roommate and finished a paper written by one of my professors. So much reading today of so many different sources! I love that I have the time and resources to read like this. It's been to long :) school tomorrow. Time to sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds like a great day. I'm really curious about rice on a stick... how do they manage that? We used to have those black bean buns in Japan. Yummy. sending love and hugs and both T and I.
