Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Really good day

Great day. Got a lot done and feeling good. Woke up and wished Evelyn good luck on her first day of work at SMCM. Ahh :) then got driven to my practicum post. Went to the usual fertilizer place but it was locked because it was the morning I guess so we drove back and then I was driven to the preschool where my friends were helping out. I helped set up a ladder platform and then watched as workers built a roof for an hour and a half lol it was very relaxing. I just listened to my audiobook. I Thailand you have to learn to go with the flow sometimes and this is a perfect example of just that. But I do think I will switch to teaching as that is probably a more enriching experience. On the way home our driver, P. Jew (Thai's names are very long and so most take on nicknames) stopped at his house and offered to sell me a bicycle. It was a nice bike he had bought from a exchange student last semester. He offered 2500 and I signed on. He said I could sell it back to him for 1200 which is a good deal but I might be able to sell it for more somewhere else. Either way, I have a bike now! It's a fixed gear with frontal brakes and racing handlebars. The tires are racing style as well. It's a good city bike. Ride about a bit on campus tonight and it preformed well. And yes moms, I wore a helmet as I always will ;) but after I bought the bike I ate a quick lunch and headed to promenada to watch White House Down. It was phenomenal. I really loved it. A lot. The plot wasn't all action. There was great twists and surprises. But it definitely was a male-dominated action film with a lot of violence. Plus a few jokes and a lot of awesome lines and scenes. It made me feel so patriotic! Which was probably the intention to some extent lol well they did a good job. I teared up a few times because it was so moving. As I said, a really good movie. Highly recommended.  It made me miss D.C. so much! And the U.S. in general. It was really strange walking out of that theatre and being in Thailand lol but I have to talk about one of the previews for a bit here. It was call Any Day Now and it looked so moving. It was about a gay couple trying to adopt a mentally impaired child in the U.S. when it was less acceptable to be gay. One of the men is a lawyer and played by a favorite actor of mine who plays the granddad of Hope on the show Raising Hope. The movie kinda reminded me of my own parents fighting for parental rights for me. The preview made me cry and I was shivering for almost all of it. The movie looked like it seriously challenged negative societal stereotypes and seemed to me like a movie largely based in mortal grounding. It made me so happy! To see something like this today when most popular movies made have at least hints of violence or discrimination was so amazing I just had to cry. I can't wait to see it! It really is going to be something else. After the movie I headed home and and had a revelation while reading Half the Sky. I love the law a lot but it means nothing if it is not followed. I think in the U.S. we experience the law being generally followed more than it can be in other places in the world. Thus, pursuing the law as a profession might not have the same effect in the developing world as it would in the developed world. As the former is the area I most want to help I realized that some professions, such as law, would not make the impact I wanted to make. I realized that probably the way I could make the most positive impact that could also be a possible career that played to my strengths would be education. But not just any education. Education focused on females, if I can. I've benefited so much from education and I'd like to give that back to those who haven't been so lucky and who can use an education to change the world. Clearly, I still have a lot of work to do and a lot of questions to answer but it was definitely a "moment" that I'll look back on and think about. We'll see but I think this will have a large effect on me. After the "moment" I had fried noodles and veggies in gravy. Desert was squash in coconut milk. All of it was really good. Then my bike ride and studying for our first quiz in cultures class tomorrow. should be fun lol this post has been a long one but I hope you've enjoyed it :) as I said, really good day. 


  1. Graham---what an amazing blog you are writing. I read it most every day and am learning a lot seeing the country through your eyes.

    You will do a fine job whatever profession you choose but we surely need you in education--especially for women in developing countries.

    Proud of you , My Godson and I love u a lot. I will look for both movies! Always, T.

  2. Love you Graham, and we are so proud of you. I know you will make a positive impact on the world whatever you decide to do.

    love you lots! betsy
