Thursday, September 12, 2013


Today was relaxing. Woke up and had toast and tea and fruit for breakfast. Then finished Half the Sky. There is a section in the back of the book that tells four ways people can help in the next ten minutes. I'll post the page and you all should do them!! It's the small things that sometimes make the biggest difference. Then I headed to promenada to see Jobs. It was very good. I learned quite a lot about apple and about Steve Jobs that I hadn't known before. It was a good tribute as well to the smart and hard working man that Jobs was. Very cool. Cried one time also. When Steve was crying with his dad. Made me miss my parents and the times they've been there for me when I really needed them <3 after the movie I headed home and had pad sie yu. Thick rice noodles and green veggies. It was good and a nice change from pad Thai but not as good. Then rest followed by badminton with Katie on the courts behind the women's dorm. Really fun. We also had a long talk which was really awesome and really needed. So glad I can talk to someone like that here. But badminton was really fun. We looked silly as first but then got the hang of it. Headed inside once it started raining for a bit. Definitely a good day :) 

1 comment:

  1. Graham,

    Other than the fact that I am still in shock that you are going to the movies . . . and action movies at that . . . I love hearing your reviews! As you can imagine, after seeing the trailer for White House Down, I cannot wait to see it. And, talk about crying . . . the trailer for Any Day Now is such a tear jerker, I’m gonna be a mess for the feature film. You’ve found some good ones . . . hope we’ll do some more movie-watching when you’re back on this side of the world!

    Thanks for blogging so faithfully. I have had technical difficulties with posting comments . . . don’t even ask . . . but I hope you know that I am reading every word and loving it. So glad you have a bike (yah!!!), a rock climbing wall, friends to talk to, Pad Thai, Tupperware, and this time of adventure and introspection.

    The Four Steps You Can Take in the Next Ten Minutes was helpful and I have acted on one. I’m sure Ivy and I will look at the list together and see what we else we may want to do.

    Sending love, as always,
