Thursday, September 5, 2013

No class=climbing

No class today so... You guessed it! Climbing :) had bananas, watermelon, cantaloupe, toast with strawberry jelly, and pad Thai for breakfast. Saved most of the pad Thai and bananas for lunch. Then texted and read as well as worked on my hair and fixed my shoes. Then got on the promenada bus. Checked out some movies. I think I'd like to go to a movie here. They're like $5. I hope they're in English. I don't like subtitles lol then to the climbing wall where I haven't been for a whole week! There are four new climbs that were set while I was gone and all are pretty easy so I did them all along with a climb I had been working on before :) then worked out with the weights and stuff. Now I'm tired! But a good tired. Calluses are getting better. The flies at the gym are annoying though. It's outside But I've kinda gotten use to it I guess. Raining now. Pretty nice. It cools the city down :) I'll head back home at 5:30 and hopefully make it in time for the ride to Payap and not miss it this time! Then dinner and studying for a language quiz tomorrow where we have to relate meaning to different Thai words. Crazy how fast we're learning! I can read some Thai now :) then reading some more Half the Sky and then bed! I like this quote. I think I'll keep it :)

Missed the bus because of traffic. Ate ramen instead. Reminds me of the states lol

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