Monday, September 9, 2013


Woke up. Ate some macaroni and veggies and read my book. Then Thai dance where we learned more of the welcome dance and the sword dance. Then lunch of the same mac and veggies and a nice walk in the small park on campus. Then Thai language where we learned about food. I then watched some Thai dance being preformed in the stadium. Pretty cool. There was also some intense drum dancing. Then soccer and a nice long two hour dinner with friends. We don't really have a hangout place because all general use areas are outside where there are bugs and its hot and I can go in any girls room and vise versa. So our hangout place is either the men's dorm lobby or 7eleven lol then we got a little artsy and made beads out of paper and glue. I might have found an abandons bike I can use which would be sweet. Did some hw and now an early bed for work tomorrow. After my environmental work I'll go climbing and then watch a movie :) should be great! 

1 comment:

  1. Graham, I have yoga teacher I know who will be in Chang Mai, actually the Kao Mai Lanna Resort, for about a month Jan 21 through Feb 25th. Thought you guys might like to meet. Karl Travels the world with his wife teaching Yoga, Thai Massage and meditation. Let me know if you are interested and if you will be there at that time. Not sure if you are in Thailand for a full year. He is an interesting guy that gets to travel to cool places and do what he loves. Thought you might like to meet him.
