Friday, October 11, 2013


I want to come back and put time and pictures into these posts but while I'm here I don't have the time or the energy or the wifi to do it lol so I'll come back and make them nicer later. Today we got a lecture at the university of Yangon. It was so cool to actually be in the university. What a huge deal! We learned about the history of Myanmar and UY. Very interesting. Then we got a small tour. Got to see where Obama talked when he visited :) then lunch at a restrant that was alright but not really authentic Burmese food. Then a nap! Then dinner with friends. We went out and got ramen soup with veggies and Burmese noodle salad. Meals here come with free tea and soup and spicy salad. So cool! It cost $5 or 5000 Katz. Expensive. Relatively. Tomorrow we are going to a city two hours away all day. Should be fun. I'm going to get a long-gee, the long shirts that all the men wear here. Can't wait!

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