Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Today was beautiful and rainy all in one! Welcome to the rainy season in Thailand. Went on a quick run this morning. That felt good. Going to try and make that a daily thing. Then had some nice tea in my great mug and headed to Econ where we learned about ASEAN. He's such a good professor. His English is awesome and he's interesting and on top of stuff and know how to teach. He could easily teach in the US. After class I ate and watched soccer and then read an old Washington post from home. Then language! We studied for the test. The reading is easy for me but remembering all the words and how they sound will be hard. But I think I'll be fine. Then we got our mounthly meal stipen. Woo! Rained during and after class but was then super sunny and beautiful. Classic. Read some more after class and then said goodbye to my roommate. He's moving out to a cheap apartment. It'll be nice to be in a single like I'm use to but I'll probably get a new roommate after Myanmar. We'll see. I rearranged the room after he left and found two more outlets lol the room has so much more space now. Love it! Then dinner of rice and veggies and tofu and watermelon. Now we're planning our Vietnam trip. Going to Hanoi and halong bay. Should be awesome!! Going climbing tomorrow. Hope they have we climbs. Leaving for Myanmar on Saturday. Getting excited!

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