Friday, October 18, 2013

Last full day

Last day! Said good bye to our main driver this morning. Without him, I don't know where we'd be. He helped us set up appointments and got us into places. Such a sweet guy. His name is Saw. Went to the national museum and saw a bunch of cool Myanmar history and artwork. Really enjoyed it :) there were musical instruments and information on the many different ethnic groups and paintings by famous Burmese painters. After that we had lunch at our favorite restrant and then headed to the market. There we said goodbye to our other driver who has been with us the whole time. He didn't speak much English but he was a great driver and followed Saw around very well. I got a lot of presents at the market and made some friends :) people are so great here. The other day the doorman took me to the money change place even though he didn't have to. And today a security guard of a bank showed me to a money changer that exchanged Baht. Such nice people. I also meet a nice guy who showed me around the market a bit and got me a discount price for some things. Then I walked around downtown a bit and saw the people. Unlike Thailand, I'm the only foreigner I see around here. It's really cool. And although I might not look like everyone else, I feel like I'm fitting in :) and then their were the street kids. There were two of them and they clearly could tell I was a tourist. They were maybe six and could say "money please" and that's almost it. I tried talk to them and that worked pretty well. One left pretty soon but the other kept with me for a long time. He kept talking to me and asking for money. He told me he could read and write but that he didn't go to school. I taught him how to say "how are you?" And "I'm fine" in Thai and gave him 1000 jat, or $1. He had tried very hard. He deserved it. Then I walked home and read Outside magazine on the way. I stopped and sat down near the pagoda and read. That was nice. Got back to the hotel and packed up. We are leaving tomorrow at nine am and then travel by plane to Bangkok and then wait. And wait. And then get on a bus and overnight it to Chiang Mai. Can't wait! Going to eat now and maybe go out. We'll see. Either way I'll miss Myanmar a lot. I learned so much and the people are so great. I really hope I come back soon! :)

1 comment:

  1. Graham, sounds like you had a wonderful experience... and I love your attitude that makes you open to learn about a new country and the people there. love you and miss you. betsy
