Friday, October 4, 2013

Last full day in Thailand for a while

Today went well. Got up early and studied and then headed to Econ. Learned about specific South East Asian countries and detailed Econ info. Love that kind of stuff. So interesting. Then a short dance class where we finished up our current dance before break. Then I studied in the park. This is the first real school work I've had to do in a while so it was nice but also harder than if I was doing it all the time. I managed to memorize a lot and headed into the test feeling good. And that feeling was rewarded. I would be disappointed if I didn't get an A. Listening was tricky sometimes but I felt I did well. Reading was great because all that comes easy to me. It's cool to be able to read Thai and know the meaning immediately :) can't wait for Thai two! Got the second part of the exam after Myanmar where I will have to have a conversation with our professor. A little harder and scarier lol glad we have some time to practice. On my ride home I got a flat riding over a ridge so I had to change it. I'll take it slower next time. Then I went and mailed stuff to my friends and donated my digital camer to a group in Sierra Lione that helps women document their war-torn lives, and through this documentation arises empowerment and change. Worth the few dollars to ship my never used camera. Then dinner and packing for the trip. I leave tomorrow at 9pm. Crazy! I know I'll have wifi in Myanmar but I hope it's high quality so I can Skype and such. We'll see but expect to keep hearing from me here. Going to see a movie tomorrow before the trip. Sleep now!

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